Sunday 22 January 2012

My own animals

Over the years I've owned a few animals, you know what its like if you're an animal lover, you just can't stop! I'm currently wanting two little female rats that are at my work, but unfortunately I'm still living at home with my Mum who hates "rodents" I didn't get my animal loving skills off her :P
anyway I don't think there is any convincing her.
I also tried convincing my boyfriend, still working on making him believe they are adorable little animals and maybe one day I will get to own two :)

I can't say how important I think it is that you plan when you're going to buy animals, I know as much as I want those little rats it wouldn't work here, and I don't know where I will be in 6 months etc... although I will always have animals they do make it hard to find somewhere to live, when most rentals don't allow pets! But I will keep trying :)

Anyway over the years my family has owned many cats, our first Muffy, who was a lovely long hair tabby cat, she stayed with us for about 11 years... I was only a baby when we got her.
(I have no pictures because they are all old in the photo album :P)

Not long after we lost muffy, we got Milo, he was a dark nearly black or chocolate colour domestic short hair. He was a lovely playful cat :) but unfortunately he went missing after a few years.. I was very very sad and Mum said we would never get cats again because it was too sad when they got lost.

we soon moved into a new house, and eventually Mum decided we were getting a kitten :P
He was named mink... (notice the M names) he came to us from a farm, and was our first cat to be kept indoors... it was so much fun! although now he is an outdoor cat that sleeps inside! (because he loses terrible amounts of fur!!)

this is mink he is now 6 years old and moved 2 times with us & hasn't run away :)

two years latter I was walking with my friend and we found two little kittens, we asked around the neighbourhood and everyone said that no one owned them;they were strays.
so they got taken home, and Mum said : we're not keeping them.
We posted an add in the newspaper, but no one rang and asked..

so Mum finally decided we could keep one! haha

This is Mitsy and her sister Mittens when they were found...
Mittens went to live my my best friend.

mitsy is now a massive fluff ball!

at that time I also had two guinea pigs, unfortunately not long after we got mitsy one of them died (of old age) a few months after the other passed two. They were great little pets & I loved them a lot. They came to me as adults from my friend who could no longer look after them.

Around the same time we got mitsy (and the guineapigs passed ) a friend down the road had rabbits that had babies, they asked my sister if she wanted one (she didn't) but of course I did!
So then entered the rabbit. Lop X dwarf
She is now also 4! and such a gorgeous friendly girl

just last year I got my first budgie (in march)  she was only young when I got her and became tame very fast.. she now loves attention and will happily chew on anyones fingernails or jewellery people are wearing..
In June I got her a friend Charlie... He spent one month in quarantine and then it took them a while to get used to each other.. now they are happily living in the same cage & get along great.
I'm very happy I decided to get a second bird because although I know kirby was happy when I was with her, I think she must have been sad when I wasn't home & I'm sure she loves having another birds company. I think its very important for birds to be in flocks of 2 or more :)

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